You may be going through a challenging part of your cycle. Close your eyes, take a deep breath fill your stomach and chest with air and sigh. Do this as many times as you feel like.
I want you to know that this is a phase and you feel have your energy, your vibrancy back in a few days. But, right now you probably need to listen to your mind and body. Be kind to yourself.
This PMS Care Kit has helpful tools to support you and reduce the symptoms you may be feeling by nourishing your mind, body and soul.
Calcium and vitamin D3 can restore serum levels and reduce the PMS symptoms.
Magnesium – 250mg More than 70% of women have a magnesium deficiency. A 2010 study found that supplementing with a combination of magnesium and vitamin B-6 helped participant’s ease their PMS symptoms, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, water retention, and breast
Vitamin B6 – A 2010 study found that supplementing with a combination of magnesium and vitamin B-6 helped participant’s ease their PMS symptoms, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, water retention, and breast tenderness.
Chasteberry has been proven to help low progesterone in more than 60 years of clinical research. It was used by ancient greeks more than 2,000 years ago to restore normal progesterone levels to
the body.
Massage oil (before bath) – Research shows that massage therapy can be a beneficial treatment for PMS. It helps reduce symptoms by enhancing blood flow, easing muscle tension, and promoting the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.
Saffron Tea with Cinnamon, Saffron, Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric, Ginger. Ginger – Research has found that ginger was just as effective as ibuprofen when it came to relieving menstrual pain. Also, if your period is accompanied by nausea, sickness and stomach upset, ginger can help to relieve you of these issues. Turmeric – An NIH study showed a potential advantageous effect of curcumin in attenuating severity of PMS symptoms, which were probably mediated by modulation of neurotransmitters and anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin. Cinnamon – Significant effect of cinnamon in reduction of pain, menstrual bleeding, nausea and vomiting with primary dysmenorrhea (periodic and painful cramps in women) without side effects. Saffron – Saffron is a age old herb (it is being used for over 3,000 years) for depression, painful periods and PMS.
5 elements mindfulness: Reminder post it note of a simple set of small acts that will connect you to your natural elements
PMS Exercise instructions: Reminder post it note – Abdominal stretching is proven to be effective and when practices shows a decrease in the PMS We share our AURA with you and hope to uplift your energy, mood or just whatever you need at this moment.
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